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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Did you know? Lorentz VS Lorenz

This is embarrassing.... but I'm positive i'm not the only one who didn't know this, so let me share it:

Just a couple of days ago, I discovered that what I used to call "Lorentz" gauge condition


is actually the "Lorenz" condition, named after Ludvig Lorenz and not after Hendrik Lorentz, who "only" gave his name to Lorentz transformations.

                                              Hendrik Lorentz
Ludvig Lorenz

In my partial defense, I can advocate two motivations:

1) Even Google tries to cheat you:

2) One of the textbooks I used to study field theory [Ryder L. H. - Quantum Field Theory] made the same error!

If you are wondering about the Lorenz condition, check this out.

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