Wednesday, June 4, 2014

"Science in the era of Facebook and Twitter – get used to it" by Heino Falcke

Astronomer Heino Falcke has recently wrote a nice post on the relation between science, dissemination of scientific results and social media.

The post was triggered by the recent debate on the BICEP2 results and contains interesting advices on the new role that scientists and journalists should learn to have in the era of Facebook.

“Science is wrong, most of the time” – I am not sure who said that first, but I am sure someone did so well before me. This is a banality for those who do science at the forefront of our knowledge, yet sometimes it seems very difficult to also accept that view in the public discourse. Well, in the days of Facebook and Twitter it is plain obvious to everyone.

Continue reading on Heino Falcke's blog

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