Sunday, January 31, 2016

Recommended by us: Science Pie - A podcast about physics, history, literature and much more

Dennis Schulz, a physics student, and Annika Brockschmidt, a history and German student, are two podcast enthusiasts based in Heidelberg (Germany).

They created the independent podcast Science Pie, focussing on the variety of subjects science can offer. Their topics range from history to physics, from literature to engineering, in particular interdisciplinary work - a range of topics hard to find in the jungle of podcasts. They often use interviews with an involved researcher or professor as a base for the episodes.
And all of this is provided in a bilingual version (English/German) and a special care for details.

Dennis and Annika’s podcast successfully meets the effort of joining science curiosities, interesting stories about people and a collection of knowledge and facts on history, literature and myths. Join them and enjoy!

Monday, January 18, 2016


Domani saro' ospite della trasmissione web dell'Associazione AstronomiAmo  per parlare di "Stelle di neutroni e buchi neri come laboratori per la rivelazione di materia oscura".

La serata e' condotta da Stefano Capretti e sara' trasmessa in diretta sulla pagina web dell'associazione e sul canale Youtube, nel quale trovate tutte le trasmissioni precedenti e che vi invito caldamente a seguire.

Appuntamento domani, Martedi' 19 Gennaio alle 21:30.

La locandina dei prossimi eventi online organizzati dall'Associazione AstronomiAmo.

Aggiornamento: Ecco il video della serata